Your contribution helps support the arts, local youth, and SFiFF public programming
Santa Fe International Film Festival not only provides special access to members during the festival, but also includes year-round benefits including free or discounted tickets to films and special events. SFiFF’s membership packages are designed to appeal to all levels of interest and support. With the generous help of members like you, SFiFF continues providing an important cultural asset for Santa Fe and its surrounding region.
Become a Member at any level through Eventive.
$50: Stand In
Advance ticket sales notification
Advance ticket purchasing
$1 off individual tickets
Exclusive updates on films, filmmakers and events
Exclusive event invites
Exclusive Discount on 6 Packs and 8 Packs
$100: Supporting Actor
Advance ticket sales notification
Advance ticket purchasing
$1 off individual tickets
Exclusive updates on films, filmmakers and events
15% discount on 1 regular price Festival Pass
Exclusive Discount on 6 Packs and 8 Packs
Exclusive event invites
$250: Leading Role
Advance ticket purchasing
25% discount on 1 regular price Festival Pass
$1 off individual tickets
1 SFiFF hat
Exclusive event invites
Exclusive Discount on 6 Packs and 8 Packs
$500: Director
Advance ticket purchasing
50% discount on one Festival Pass or 1 Free 8 Pack
$1 off individual tickets
2 SFiFF hats
Exclusive event invites
Exclusive Discount on 6 Packs and 8 Packs
$1,000: Producer
You get the whole enchilada:
Advance ticket purchasing
1 Festival Passes to the Festival
50% discount on two Festival Passes
$1 off individual tickets
Entry for 1 to our fabulous Filmmakers Brunch
2 SFiFF hats
Special Thank You in Program
SFiFF Swag Bag
Exclusive event invites
“We are indie and we are New Mexican!”